Sunday, March 09, 2008

My Day Was Made!

Last week was an unusually busy week around here. Didn't have much time for crafting. A lot of things were put on the back burner. There were a number of sleep-deprived nights added to the mix, and I just can't function well in a sleep-deprived state anymore. So, by the time Thursday had rolled around and I'd found out that there'd be folks coming over bright and early Saturday morning to work on a project here (ARGH!!), I was beat. Know what though? By Friday morning I was feeling better. I'd been tagged twice for an award. How cool!

Pearl tagged me first, and Judy was just a few minutes behind her. Both had such nice things to say. I may have received the "You Make My Day" award, but that made my day. :-) Thanks Pearl and Judy!

Now this is the part that gets tricky. Recipients of this award are supposed to pass it on to ten others. I do browse many blogs and find many sources of inspiration. I also know that most of these blog authors have already been tagged at some point, so it can be tough to come up with ten who've not received this award before. I'll go ahead and list the ten whose blogs make my day, but I'll only officially tag those who haven't been tagged for this award already so that they don't have to come up with yet another list of ten bloggers. I'd just hate for anyone to miss out on seeing some of the artwork posted at these sites.

Here they are, in no particular order:

Kristy's Musings
Arsty Visions
Hermine's Place
Ink Stains
Llama Tales
Manic Stamper
Vintage Papers

Have fun visiting these blogs, and prepare to be inspired! :-) I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

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